
What Is The Difference Between Public Goods And Private Goods?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The concept of public goods has been of central importance in public p
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The primary way of distinguishing between private and public goods is that public goods are non-rival (consumption of that good by one person does not reduce its availability to others, for ex. Clean air, national defense) and it is non exclusive (you can not effectively stop someone from using it). Public goods are also associated with collective action problem and are provided by the government.
Private goods on the other hand can be selective and partial and can be provided by private corporations.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Explain how public goods and private goods can be provided efficiently
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Compare and contrast public goods, private goods, common resources, and natural monopolies in Differentiating Between Market Structure?
Tariq Habib Profile
Tariq Habib answered
Public goods are ones whose benefits are indivisibly spread among the entire community, whether or not individuals desire to purchase the public goods. Private goods by contrast are ones that can be divided up and provided separately to different individuals, with no external benefits or costs to others. Efficient provision of public goods often requires government action, while markets can efficiently allocate private goods.
The case par excellence of a public good is national defence. Nothing is more vital to a society than its security. But national defence, as an economic good, differs completely from a private good like bread. Ten loaves of bread can be divided up in many ways among individuals, and others cannot eat what I eat. But national defence, once provided, affects everyone equally. It matters not all whether you are hawk or dove, pacifist or militarist, old or young, ignorant or learned you will receive the same amount of national security from the Army as does every other resident of the country.
Note therefore the stark contrast: The decision to provide a certain level of a public good like national defence will lead to a number of submarines and tanks to protect each of us. By contrast the decision to consume a private good like bread is an individual act. You can eat four slices, or two, or a whole loaf; the decision is purely your own.
Lily James Profile
Lily James answered
A public good is the one which is non-rivaled and non-excludable which means the consumption of the good by one individual does not reduce its availability of others. A private good on the contrary is rivaled and excludable.

For instance, if one individual drinks a juice, there is no juice left for anyone, and it is possible to exclude others from consuming the same juice; it is a rivaled and excludable example of a private good. On the other hand, breathing air neither reduces the amount of air available to others, nor can people be excluded from using it, so its an example of public good.

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