
How Old Was Aphrodite The Greek Goddess Of Love When She Died?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She was 72 when she died, but if someone like Zeus or another famous person believed in her, then she lived until the Greek period was over.
Asuka Jr. Profile
Asuka Jr. answered
The age of a goddess is effectively unknowable. As the Greek mythos places Aphrodite as having been 'born' before even Zeus, and ALL the greek gods as having been in existence BEFORE humankind existed, 72 would be a pretty doggone low number for her age. Immortal and unaging, Aphrodites' age would have been unknown to any but perhaps Chronos, as she was 'born' from the sea after Chronos cut off Uranus' genitals and threw them into the sea. This would have been before the time of the rest of the Greek gods, so of the normal pantheon, she is the oldest.
To the Greek mythos, as far as I know, even the 'normal' members of the pantheon (Zeus, Hera, Hephesteus, Diana, et al) having origins before (Zeus) or shortly after the Titans were bound (or slain outright), and thus before there was even land (the time of Chaos), and it was through Zeus' actions of eliminating the Titans (cuts out the competition, you know) that all Greece (and indeed if taken as a whole, ALL land) was created. So with Aphrodite having predated ALL the regular gods, she would have had to have been THOUSANDS of years old...
However, you also have to keep in mind that I have been able to find NO reference to her death, and even now, she may still have greek followers. Thus, while she may have been killed in a fictional television show, there is no evidence that she fell within the Greek mythos.
I hope that helps, or you are satisfied with one of the other answers here... =P
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Aprhodite can die just like on hercules he almost died bt seeing as how he was mortal he didnt importal people have souls so sh was actually 73 when she died
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She was 10000000000000000 years old
jp just playin at 72 years old  when she died.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think 330,190,100

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