
How Do You Find The Range, Median And Mode?


37 Answers

Aidan McCartney Profile
Aidan McCartney answered
To calculate the mode of a set of numbers you need to start by organizing them from the smallest to largest. So for instance, you list may be 1, 3, 6, 6, 8, 9. You will then need to go about counting the amount of times that numbers appear in the sequence. The number that appears the most in the sequence is the mode. In this sequence it's really easy, as the only number that appears more than once in the sequence is six. Other more complicated sequences, however, might take you a while to organize and you may ultimately find that there is more than one mode in the sequence.

To obtain the median, you will once again need to sort the numbers in your sequence from the least to the largest. For instance, you may have the same number set of 1, 3, 6, 6, 8, 9 again. You will then need to find the middle number. So for instance in the sequence, if there are seven numbers you will need to find the fourth number and that would be the median. In our example, however, there are two numbers in the middle. Luckily they are the same, so the median is just six. In more complicated sequences, however, you will need to find the average of the two middle numbers to get the median. So you would have to add them together and divide them by two to get he median figure.

Finally, the range, Sort the numbers from the least to the largest and then determine the value that is the smallest and the value that is the biggest. Subtract the smaller number away from the largest number and you will be given the value that is the range in the sequence you are using.
Shayne Hutcheson Profile
First of all, to make it easier for yourself when finding the range, median and mode in a set of numbers, the best thing to do is put all yor numbers in order from smallest to largest.

Now, to find these three things, just do as per below:

Range: the range of a data set is the difference between the largest and smallest number in your set of data. To find it, just subtract the smallest number from the largest number in your data set.

Median: the median is the number which sits exactly in the middle of your data set. If you have an even amount of numbers, the median is the number that would sit in between the 2 middle numbers.

Mode: the mode, if you are working with just the one data set, is the number that appears the most often. Just note that you can have more than one mode.

Hope that helps!
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
Thanks it realy help for my brothers home work!!!
Anonymous commented
Thank you for helping me that really help. My math teacher gives us take home quizes. Ohhh. And when we have a "TEST" he calls it a quiz... Pshhh a 4 page "Quiz"
Abi commented
Nice and simple explanation. Thanks a million
Rachel Sharp Profile
Rachel Sharp answered
To arrive at a mathematical average, usually you start with a list of numbers. For instance, a list of bowling scores might be: 76, 83, 99, 101 and 116. To arrive at the average score of this group of numbers, simply add the scores all together. 76 + 83 + 99 + 101 +116 = 475. Then, divide the sum total by the total number of scores in the group. 475 divided by 5 = 95. Therefore, the average number of the bowling scores is 95.

The same process works if you have fewer or more numbers in the group. For instance, if you were averaging only two numbers, you would add the two numbers together and divide the sum by two. If you had two grades in a course, you would first add the grades together. Say you earned an 80% and a 90%.

80% + 90% = 170%. Then divide the sum total by two. 170% divided by 2 = 85%. Therefore, your current average is 85%.
Bil Nutt Profile
Bil Nutt answered
A mathematical average (also known as the "mean") is found by finding the sum of a list of numbers and dividing by the number of items on that list.

For example, if you have 5 scores (97, 96, 100, 88, and 95), you would add them up. The total is 476. You then divide that sum by 5. The average is 95.2.

Hope this helps!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mean: Add all the numbers and divide by the number of numbers
Mode: The most
Median: Put all the numbers in order and take the middle number
Range: Minus the biggest number with the smallest number
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try remembering that the median is the one in the middle after you have put all of the numbers in order from least to greatest or greatest to least. If you end up with two of them then add both of them and divide by two.Remember that the mean is just as if it were finding the average of something, you have to add all of the numbers and the divide them for how many numbers there is in all.The mode is the number that comes out more times than the others.And the range is just to subtract the smallest number from the greatest number and you'll get your answer.Hope this helps yall out! Peace out got to do ma hw!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just add the #'s up and then divide by how many numbers there are like 2+6+4=12/3=4
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
RANGE: Add the lowest and highest numbers together.
MEDIAN:the number in the middle, if there is two add both and divide by two.
MODE:number that appears the most, you can have more than one mode.
MEAN:add all numbers together and divide by how many there are.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The range is subtracting the smallest number from the biggest, mode is the most frequent number, median is middle number and mean is adding the numbers together and divide by the total number in set.
Mike Profile
Mike answered
Add the #s together, divide the sum by the # of #s, and you get the average. Example:2,4,6 2+4+6=12 12 divided by 3=4 Average=4
Glen Thornbury Profile
Glen Thornbury answered
You add a row of numbers. Then count how many numbers were in that row and divide the sum by that number!
The answer is the average!
Sabrina Profile
Sabrina answered
To find the median of a number you line them all up in order and the middle number is the median. =]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mode: The most frequent # in the set.
Locate the number that appears the most.
Some sets of numbers have more than one mode.(if so, just list both.)
6 8 8 12 15 19 20 25 26
8, is the mode.

Median: Here is an example:
6 8 8 12 15 19 20 25 26
the median is the middle number, so it would be 15.
Sometimes, you might have and even set of numbers, so,
if my number was 6 8 8 12 15 19 20 25 26 27, I would take 15 and 19 and find the average. (add them then divide by 2.)

range: Subtract the lowest number from the highest number
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The mean is the average: Add all numbers together then divide by the count of the numbers you just added
the mode is the number that appears the most in your group of numbers
the median is the number that is in the middle of your group of numbers
3, 7, 10, 12, 14, 10, 12, 20
mean = 11
mode = 10, 12 it's a tie
median = 13 since the count is even, average the middle two
(12+14)/2 = 26/2 = 13
Ambreen Misbah Profile
Ambreen Misbah answered
Mean is the average of a group of numbers. Median is the middle number once these numbers are arranged in an ascending order. Mode is the number that appears most frequently in a group of numbers.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The most common expression for the mean of a statistical distribution with a discrete random variable is the mathematical average of all the terms. To calculate it, add up the values of all the terms and then divide by the number of terms. This expression is also called the arithmetic mean.
The median of a distribution with a discrete random variable depends on whether the number of terms in the distribution is even or odd. If the number of terms is odd, then the median is the value of the term in the middle. This is the value such that the number of terms having values greater than or equal to it is the same as the number of terms having values less than or equal to it. If the number of terms is even, then the median is the average of the two terms in the middle, such that the number of terms having values greater than or equal to it is the same as the number of terms having values less than or equal to it.
The mode of a distribution with a discrete random variable is the value of the term that occurs the most often. It is not uncommon for a distribution with a discrete random variable to have more than one mode, especially if there are not many terms.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To find the mean do an average so say if the numbers were 1,2,3 then add them all together and divide by how many numbers there are which in this case is three. To find the median then simply find the middle number so say if the numbers were 1,2,3 then you find the middle number which in this case would be three. Finally to find the range just find the difference between the lowest number and the highest number so say if the numbers were 1,2,3 then just find the difference and in this case the answer would be 1. To find out the mode then find which number occurs the most say if you had the numbers 2,2,3 then the answer would be 2 .Also a tune to remember what mean, mode, median and range is a song to the tune of frere jacques
mean is average
mean is average
mode is most
mode is most
median in the middle
median in the middle
range high low
range high low
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well to get an average you would add up all the numbers and divide by how many numbers you have.

Ex: 84,92,84,75,70
You would get a total of 405, from adding them together.

Then divide by how many numbers you have like so.....405/5

The average is 81.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A median is one value out of a range of numbers, so the idea of the median of a single number is something of a degenerate case. The median is a statistical value meaning the "number in the middle," so if you have a set of numbers it is the value numerically in the middle of the set. If your set of numbers only has a single value in it (that is, you're only looking for the median of "a number") then the median is going to be that number.

Here's an example, Consider that you've got a set of numbers like this { 10, 5, 23, 7, 1 }. If you sort that set, you get { 1, 5, 7, 10, 23}. The median is the middle value, so in this set it would be the value 7.

For your question where you're asking for the median of a single number, if you have a set of numbers like { 6 }, the sorted set is { 6 } and the median is 6.

If you need practice finding the median, try looking at some of the practice Mean, Median and Range Math Worksheets at In particular, look at the answer keys to some of those problems as they show how the calculations are performed.
First add the numbers, then divide by the number of the numbers you added. To find the average of 2,6,4: 2+6+4=12, 12/3=4(ans)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You add up the numbers and then divide them up by how many numbers there are
so 5 is the mean
(by the way mean=average)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A good question...

For the

We may use it in our report card....
Or in our population....

The mean, mode, and range are what we call sample statistics. They
are important for describing large sets of data.

Let's say there are 30 people in my math class. Just looking at
everyone's score on the latest test doesn't really tell me very much.
However, if I look at the mean and the mode I get a sense of how the
class did on average.

The range is the highest score minus the lowest score. It is a measure
of dispersion and it tells us the spread of the scores - that is, did
some people do really well while others did really badly, or are all
the scores pretty close together?

The mean is the average score. We find it by adding up all the scores
and dividing by the total number of scores.

The mode is the most frequently occurring score, that is, the score
the most people got.

That's how I think these concepts can most easily be explained, but I
get to use them every day in my research. I am a graduate student in
developmental psychology working in a lab that studies infants. The
mean, mode, and range aren't really that exciting, but we need them to
understand the data we collect.

Just imagine having sheets and sheets of data. I don't know about you,
but I definitely don't have the patience to look at how each baby did
on our experiment. We see oodles of babies each day, and each is a lot
of fun but also gives us a lot of data. I enter all the individual
data into a statistics package and it spits out certain key statistics
that I am interested in learning about.

In terms of testing babies, we cannot ask them to tell us what they
think. Rather, we get a sense of what they are thinking by their
behavior. In one of my current studies we are looking at what makes a
face interesting. Thus we can show two different faces and see which
the baby prefers and looks at longer. I can find the mean looking
times for each face and make conclusions about which face in general
the babies prefer. I also can find the range to see how widely the
looking times vary.

It's important to note that I also graph all my data. That way, I can
tell if there are any outliers. These are data points that stick way
out from the general trend and may affect my mean and range. The
great thing about the mode is that it isn't affected by outliers.

Let's suppose you're not interested in psychology but in sports.
There are a lot of statistics involved in sports. I like baseball a
lot. When a player gets up to bat we know his batting average - how
well he performs on average. That is, sometimes he may really rock
while other times he might not do so well. The average takes all the
times he has been up to bat, adds them up, and divides by the total
times he hit. It gives us the best indication of how he will do the
next time he's at bat.

Statistics play a huge part in our everyday life. These are important
concepts to learn because they will definitely come up again and will
give you a good idea of the big picture!
Call me Rae..? Profile
Call me Rae..? answered
First, you add up all the numbers, then you divide by how many numbers there are. There's your answer. For example:
    To find the average of 67, 103, 764, you do this:
     67+103+764=934 then...
     934 divided by 3 (because there are three numbers to find the average by) = 311.33333333333333
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thats wrong because if you have 2 modes the you would have to subtract or add the 2 numbers and then divide by 2 I think
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Here is a song my teacher taught us in 5th grade: Mean, Median, Mode. Mean, Median, Mode. The Mean is the average, the median is the middle, the mode occurs the most, the mode occurs the most(sing it to 3 blind mice)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thank you for this finally I can finish my work. But I have a question for the mode what if you have 2 numbers that have the equal amount of number
Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Computation of mean or median may require a division that does not come out even. Usually, the remainder is expressed as a fraction or decimal fraction of the divisor. The idea of a remainder is not useful in these calculations.  Calculation of mode will never result in a remainder, because the mode is one of the numbers in the distribution. No division is necessary. Example   The median of {2, 2, 3, 4} is (2+3)/2 = 5/2 = 2.5 or 2 1/2  (It is not "2 remainder 1.")   The mode of the above set is 2, because there are more instances of 2 than of any other element of the set.   The mean is (2+2+3+4)/4 = 11/4 = 2.75 = 2 3/4  (It is not "2 remainder 3.")
Remainders are useful for solving Diophantine equations, finding a greatest common factor, and solving certain other problems involving integers or modulo arithmetic. For most general computation, the idea of a remainder is not a useful concept.

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