1.) Combine Like Terms: 12 + 16 + 9x2 A.37x2 B.9x2 + 28 C.17x2 D.17x2 + 5?


2 Answers

Davey Profile
Davey answered
The numbers being multiplied must stay together.  (The multiplication would be done first if you were solving this to completion.)  This leaves the numbers being added to get put together separately.  Answer: B
thanked the writer.
Oddman commented
Of course the "x2" term really is an x^2 term.
Davey commented
No way Oddman. How does the square of 9 fit ANY of those answers??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
B.9x2+28 is correct answer for your question
or you want  many more things like this ok

Answer Question
