The Sum Of The Squares Of Two Consecutive Integers Is 61 Find The Two Integers?


2 Answers

xiao guguai Profile
xiao guguai answered
X^2+(x+1)^2=61, x=5. The Two Consecutive Integers is 5 and 6.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Let n be the first consecutive integer
n+1 is the other consecutive integer
"The sum of the square of two consecutive integers is 61" n^2 + (n+1)^2=61
n^2 + n^2 +2n +1 =60
2n^2 +2n - 60 = 0
n^2 + n - 30 = 0
we can quadratic formula to the answer, or we can use "complete square method" to find the answer
Or we can factor n^2 + n - 30 =0    (n - 6)(n + 5) = 0
therefore, n = 6 and n = 5

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