Three Times A Number Is The Same As The Difference Of Twice The Number Seven. Can You Find The Number?


1 Answers

Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Let n be the number.
It looks like your problem statement is saying
3n = 2n-7    (the difference of twice the number and 7)
n = -7    (after we subtract 2n from both sides)

We could also write "the difference of twice the number and 7" as 7-2n. Then,
3n = 7 - 2n
5n = 7
n = 7/5 = 1.4

The difference of twice the number and 7 would be 7 - 2.8 = 4.2. English is a little vague on the precise meaning of "the difference of 2.8 and 7". Is it +4.2, or -4.2? Likewise, is "the difference of -14 and 7" equal to -21, or to +21?

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