
What Is Age For PCS-UP Exam?


2 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
The Public Service Exam for Upper Pradesh, India, is taken by people who wish to work for the civil service - under the current rules, a man or woman must be at least 21 years of age to qualify for the exam. The mandatory age restriction is set in place to ensure that candidates have sufficient maturity to handle positions where public well-being and safety are important factors. According to the exam rules, a person must also be under 28 years of age to take the exam. These rules are quite strict, so it is important to write these exams while within the proper age parameters.

Benefits Of Working For The Civil Service

• In general, the civil service will provide a stable, safe career for young adults, and there will be plenty of room for advancement through the ranks. Civil servants may continue to accrue experience and education, and they may use these things to move up to high positions that carry more responsibility.
• Police work is part of the civil service in Upper Pradesh - this type of work is typically a bit more dangerous than office civil service positions, because police deal with criminal activity, and they may need to use guns and other weapons to detain suspects (and defend themselves from attacks by criminals or deranged persons, such as those under the influence of drugs or alcohol). People who wish to become members of the police force must be physically fit, and they must be able to drive. Passing the exam for the civil service in Upper Pradesh is just the beginning of the process of becoming a police force member in this Indian region.

The best civil servants will feel a sense of responsibility towards their country, and they seek to represent their government in a way that is both respectful and efficient. Civil servants should be calm, organized, and devoted to excellent, as they serve the electorate in a variety of different positions, from clerk to police force member, to executive...

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