How Do You Add And Subtract Integers?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Adding Integers:
If the signs of the two integers you are adding are the same (both positive or both negative), add the two integers and keep the sign.
(positive + positive = positive and negative + negative = negative)

If the signs of the two integers you are adding are different (one positive and one negative), subtract the smaller number from the larger number and keep the sign of the larger integer.

Subtracting Integers:
Leave the first integer alone, change the subtraction sign to an addition sign, then change the sign of the second integer (positive to negative or negative to positive).
Now use the rules for "Adding Integers" to answer the question.
amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Basically there are some rules which are to be considered while adding or subtracting integers. Suppose you have two integers, x and y.

Now look at the given rules:

+ x + y = + number
+ x – y = subtract y from x and the result will be positive
if x > y and it will be negative if x < y
+ y – x = subtract x from y and the result will be positive if y > x and it will be negative if y < x
- x – y = Add both integers and result will have negative sign with it
- x + (-y) = - x – y
- x – (-y) = + y – x
In this way integers are add and subtracted. For examples,
click on the link: Examples of subtraction and addition of integers

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