
Which Of The Following Is An Obstacle To Learning For A Beginning Mover?


3 Answers

Neil Grayson Profile
Neil Grayson answered
Many things prevent people from learning. Of course, some people do not have the mental abilities to learn, but I am assuming you are not talking about mentally challenged people.

Here are some things that make it hard for people to learn new things:

1.Low self-esteem - Yes, thinking positive does make things happen! If you start out thinking you can't learn something, you're not going to do a good job of it. When you have something you need to learn, start with a positive attitude and tell yourself ‘Other people have learned this, so I can learn it too!’ or ‘I'll just take this slow and easy, I'll learn it in the end!’

2.Distractions - Many children and adults too, try to study or work with the TV on, the computer set up, music loud enough to shake the walls, and maybe even a video game or book sitting there to tempt them. You can't do two things at once when you're trying to learn something. The best way to learn is to get in a quiet place where it's just you and whatever you're learning; you can have music if it is soft and has no words, but anything else will just distract you and make it harder to learn.

3.Unfamiliarity - Anything that is totally new is harder to learn. If you speak English, the Chinese language is harder to learn because the letters are unfamiliar; if you play football, the game of tennis is harder to learn because the movements are unfamiliar. When you know ahead of time that you're going to be facing something unfamiliar, you need to ramp up the self-esteem and cut those distractions out to overcome the newness. You can still learn it, it's just a bit harder.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A)Knowledge of what elements of the movement to focus on
b) Chronic indifference characteristic between birth and age three
c) Shorter time to monitor perceptual imput from the visual system
d) Difficult in performing simultaneous movements

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