Can You Rewrite: Y=x^2+8x+3 In Vertex Form, Find Vertex, Then Solve For Roots Of Equation?


2 Answers

Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Y = x2 + 8x + 3
y = (x2 + 8x + 16) + (3 - 16)    (complete the square)
y + 13 = (x + 4)2    (add 13 to both sides, show the square we completed)
This is "vertex form" where the vertex is (-4, -13)

The roots are the values of x that make y=0,
(0) + 13 = (x + 4)2    (substitute y=0, so we can solve for x)
±√13 = x+4    (take the square root of both sides)
-4±√13 = x    (subtract 4 from both sides)

The roots are -4-√13, -4+√13

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