
How To Make Scenery Using Basic Geometrical Shapes?


2 Answers

Cormac Reynolds Profile
Cormac Reynolds answered
Most things are made using simple geometrical shapes. Simple shapes are good to make scenery in plenty of things everyday and are especially used for things such as school plays and places where simple but obvious scenery is needed.

Triangles are great for geometric shape usage for scenery. They can be used for everything from trees to hills, albeit pointy hills. They are also great for roofs of houses and can be placed together to make squares.

The square itself is also a very useful shape to use. It is especially useful as part of a house for the main building itself as well as as for windows.

The circle is the most commonly used shape and is utilized for the sun and the moon as well as for people's heads in the background and wheels among a whole array of other items.

Rectangles are also very useful and can be used for props such as pretend doors and also for characters' bodies. If you add colors to these shapes you have a huge number of options from the simplest things.

These sorts of scenes are especially useful for children as they allow them to use their imagination and let them think laterally and visually about how they can make a stage using only very simple materials. 

As has been mentioned this sort of activity is very popular in children's groups. Though as making scenery from such shapes is so easy, it can be used by adults to great effect with some imagination and a bit of time spent planning and creating.

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