
What Are The Other Examples Of Philippine Narrative?


6 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Philippine narratives are:

• Legend
• Myth
• Saga
• Poetry
• Chanting
• Singing
• Story telling

You can be sure to find more information on why these are the main types as you search on the internet, however they are all used to ensure that stories can be told without the use of paper and the need the have actual books.

The Philippine narrative is told through mouth and all of the stories are going to be developed over time, the fact that they are told and not written allows them to be more dramatic and have more of an effect on the person who is listening to the story. If you have never studied the Philippine narrative before you may be very surprised that it is all spoken and not written as it is in most cultures and countries.

This is why the narrative is studied, it is so different to anything else that you will have come across and it allows you to understand how different people around the world tell different stories to one another.

Once you have a clear understanding you can go into more depth and study the subject further so you know exactly how it affects people differently to a normal book being written or read to a child and an adult.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Basics, fundamentals, essentials, foundations, origins, features
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
In general, this would just refer to any examples of literature, legend and history from the Phillippines. However, in recent years the term has also been used to refer to the histories of some women who were trafficked from the Phillippines as well as other countries, and these are sometimes studied in comparison with the 'slave narratives' of for example 19th century America.
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
Generally, the Philippine narratives are the written or oral literature of the people of the Philippines. There are several different cultures and traditions coexisting in this country, so there are many narratives and the subject is a rich one. If you put your question into a search engine you will find helpful links to several articles and sources of information about different Philippine authors etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is said that Narratives are fiction novels like adventure and fantasy, spoken and written stories

King :)

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