Is 2010/2011 admission list for National Open University of Nigeria out?


2 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
Yes, it is. The 2010/2011 admission list can be found on the website of the National Open University of Nigeria. Click the link to be taken to the overview page. Here you will see the categories of subject. From here you can then enter the category and see all those admitted for that academic year.
The list details the names of the applicants as well as the center they will be studying at and their application number. Each course has a different list within a School of Study, so for example Biology and Chemistry are under the Department of Science.
You should be aware that it is the end of this academic year, and now the NOUN will be looking towards the 2011/2012 academic year and admissions for that.

The website has three sections; public, students, staff. Clicking on the public section will take you to a new page. On the left hand side is an option for 2011 admissions. Click this and a new window will open, featuring the NOUN 2011 application advert. If you cannot find the page then this link will take you there.
The National Open University of Nigeria requires applicants to register online. If you are interested in registering or applying to the university then you should follow the link below. The page details all the necessary instructions for an application, as well as providing information about courses and studies on the rest of the website.

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