Can you be a sonographer with a radiology technology degree? And can you work as a Radiologic Technologists with asthma?


1 Answers

Rebecca Hunt Profile
Rebecca Hunt answered
A sonographer is a branch of the radiology field and a radiology technology degree will get you most of the way toward having a career in the field. It is also perfectly safe for those with asthmas to be radiologic technologists.

In order to become a sonographer, you will need to do the following:

  • Attend an accredited college or university that offers a specialized training program in radiologic technology. The school should be one of those which has a curriculum approved by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (AART). The AART is the regulatory body that oversees the licensing and certification of professionals working in the radiology field. It is also an organization that approves the educational programs offered by colleges and universities throughout the United States that prepare individuals to work as sonographers, radiologists, nuclear medicine techs, MRI techs and radiation therapy technicians, as well as Radiologic Diagnostic Technologists.
  • In order to ensure you choose a school that is accredited by the AART, you should review the school's radiologic technology department information thoroughly, or you can visit the AART website and review schools listed in their registry.
  • After completing an undergraduate degree in radiology, you will need to go through a certification and testing process with the AART in order to become registered and receive your license to work in the field. You can learn more about the certification process online. 
  • Additionally, once certified, you have to register for a license. Registration with the AART is required and so is registration in the state in which you intend to work. If you move, you will need to re-register and you also have to put in continuing education hours in order to maintain your registration.

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