I have always thought that I am really stupid, because I am home schooled. I was surprised when I took a few tests, and they all said my IQ was around 128. Is that good or bad for an almost 15 year old?


3 Answers

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

My young friend, you are far away from being stupid here as a 128 is very good but these tests really don't show how actual ones IQ really is as many people excel better at taking tests than others. Some are very knowledgeable in areas not even covered by IQ tests. Never compare yourself to others and much credit to those who are home schooling you here too. 

Keep it up as knowledge is the ultimate power in the Universe so never quit learning and don't be afraid to pass some knowledge along to others

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

If the tester was not holding a stop watch when you took the G laden portion ( reverse span, reaction time and rotating objects in space for instance ) of the test then you did not take an IQ test.

Some people do not even know that this is part of IQ testing and think that IQ tests are all pencil and paper vocabulary, word meaning and analogies. All these parts of the test can be " learned " easily. The G laden portion of the test is where the real variance between people comes about.

Now, if you took an actual IQ test an IQ of 128 places you in the top 5% of the tested population.

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

I took a super long IQ test on the internet once. Closed my eyes and clicked randomly. Ended up with 120 too!

Besides, IQ test are used to diagnose mental retardation nothing more.

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