
I need Ideas for a story, using some info. It has to be based on : A rare mineral deposit found on mars, with highly explosive qualities but also used as a great power source?


1 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

The world's resources are wearing thin to the point of non-existent. Tensions are high as a global cold war ensues over the remaining resources. A probe, launched to Mars many years ago, has discovered a mineral deposit that could be used to create the world's first fusion power source, thus ending the energy crisis. Using a new experimental interplanetary transportation system, a crew of the best and brightest embark on a mission to retrieve the mineral. Hopefully, Captian John Spruce and his crew can harvest the mineral and return to earth before the cold war plunges into the bloodiest conflict the world has ever known.

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