Now they have a elementary student pulling the collin kaepernick crap. Not standing for the pledge of allegance. I bet her parents put her up to it. What do u think?


14 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

She refuses to stand in the building that US government taxes paid for?

Let her parents pay for private school.

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Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
I know Dark, but it just ticks me off.
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
I hear ya my friend, and as a tax payer your voice SHOULD be heard. I fully support your position on this. I happen to think they are "Protesting" incorrectly . . . but that may be just my perspective.
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
I don't mind them protesting, but disrespecting the flag and what it stands for is, in my opinion, the wrong way to go about it. I just feel that the sports figures and other famous people could convey their "outrage" in a better manner for their cause.
Zack -  Mr. GenXer Profile

Crap? To each his own.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

You know I have a story.....

I was dropping my child off at school a few minutes late one day. I was in line to sign her in when I heard over the intercom "Time for the pledge of allegiance. Ready begin........" and then there was silence. Not one person in the office stood. Not one person said the pledge over the intercom like they use to. They concluded with "now on to the announcements.... Your principal blah blah blah...." My jaw dropped at how crappy public schools have gotten. I turned to leave and there stood a man, IN UNIFORM, dropping of his son and my heart broke into a million pieces! How disrespectful to that man and the millions of others who fight for our freedom everyday! Kapernick or what ever his stupid name is DISGUSTS me. As far as this little brat goes, to be honest the kid isn't the first to not stand. It is no longer encouraged in elementary (at least in Cali its not.) You have a point there Otis, the ridiculous parents are always behind a child.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

I am firmly disagree with this manner of movement. I am never going to support such a movement which is as crap as you stated. It's getting worse and i am worried. I barely can describe the feeling i get in my chest when i see all these disrespecting spreading everyday and this is how our generation taking it.

I do not understand how some people who are supporting this matter confuse the disagreements. How's that they have the right to do such a movement but we don't have a right to dislike it? My disagreement doesn't mean their right must be vanished. It means i don't like the way they have chosen to challenge the issues.

This generation is way too disgusting when it comes to principles. I cherish every word of Yin Yang. Well, patriotism defines differently to each individual. To me, it starts with cherishing every basic principle of our country. Therefore, this way of criticize is not at my favor and there's no way that it gets my support. But if they see it right, i hope they help to make things better instead of worse which the way i see it, it's only getting worse.

A positive change only occurs with unity and integrity. They don't intend to disrespect the country nor the soldiers nor the flag as they claim. But ignoring such principles is a disrespect. They feel free to fool themselves otherwise. This path of criticize is destroying integrity. It can barely carry a weight or a soul. Thus a movement without one soul of all Americans, it won't get anywhere.

People can laugh all they want, but me as a young American, most of my days starts off with singing our beautiful anthem. Every morning as i wake up, i feel the burden on my shoulders, anything i do or have today, if i'm alive today, if i'm free today, it's because of our fathers and people like Rooster and The Z. Because of the same foster kid who came foster due the bravery of his parents.because of all the men and women who fought and fighting for us in past and present. Standing for our principles which cherishing our anthem and pledging to our flag being one of them is the least i can do. It is beyond a normal words to just spell out. It's about respecting the blood who have shed to paint those thirteen stripes on our flag with. It's about valuing those lives who has lost to make this country stand. It's many things. It's about if you have the guts to die for your country when the time arrives. I just hope it ends well.

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

As Americans the Liberties we "Enjoy" are part of the Freedoms that come at a cost. Now we may not like a what a symbol has become, but it does so at a personal level.

The respect given at the ceremonies we hold in our nation, are for those who put their lives on the line to maintain the liberties and freedom we enjoy.

Part of our freedoms Should be to express ourselves in regards to likes or dislikes within our nation, and most veterans would want us to live in a nation where this can be done . . . BUT, if the only way you can "feel" you can make a change is to sit during a time we could be showing respect rather then get more socially active and involved in our government, then you are taking the easy way out, and you don't really want change, you just want to be noticed.

Most children will be a reflection of what they hear at home from the parents . . Maybe this kid is different . . Maybe not.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

It's not crap.

It's the student's right, to show her love for America and her right to show her support for change 🍎. 

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Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Otis, I'm watching Andy Griffith the one about the two old Morrison's sisters brewing Moonshine, in the greenhouse 🍑. It's called Alcohol and Old Lace it so funny.
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Tiny House Hunters 🏠
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
My country America. Land That I love đź’›
Nina Nina Profile
Nina Nina answered

I sometimes don't stand for the pledge of allegiance, but it's usually because I need to finish my homework before we start class :P

I figure I've already said it over 1000 times, a few times not saying it won't hurt my country

I remember in the Simpsons, Bart conflicted over whether to sell confidential information about America to the Chinese authorities in exchange for money to buy a bike. "I pledge allegiance to the flag every day", he says. The authorities respond, "You pledge allegiance to the flag, and the flag is made in China."


Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

I think we need to remember the truism:

Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


How many of those "offended" by said athlete, have flag stickers on their cars?  Are the stickers faded or torn?  That's disrespectful on a couple levels. 

What about those flying an actual flag from their vehicle?  Are the edges tattered?  That's disrespectful. 

How many are flying a faded or tattered flag at their house?  Or leaving the flag out at night, but unlit?  That's disrespectful.

How many wear the flag as clothing or accessories?  That's disrespectful.

How about flying the flag during inclement weather, except for "all weather" flags?  That's disrespectful.

In other words, the vast majority of them are hypocrits.

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Nina Nina
Nina Nina commented
I guess that could be disrespectful but no on one does that on purpose to disrespect. But I get your point, there's a lot of regular things you can do that are disrespectful somehow, i.e, sitting :)
Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
Actually, Nina ... they DO.
I constantly point out to people they are displaying the flag wrong - and 99% of them don't care to change. That is purposeful disrespect - while they are claiming to be "patriotic".
Nina Nina
Nina Nina commented
Austin Jones Profile
Austin Jones answered

Wow I'm just done with the people in this county you can't stand for people who probaly don't have legs who fought for you, you should fight for your country and see how it is 

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

Eh, I think people just need to stop making such a big deal out of this, and that refers to both sides. I really don't give a small rodent's behind who doesn't stand for the anthem or the pledge. Most people do and the few that don't aren't worth getting in a tizzy over.

Patriotism means nothing if it's mandatory.

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otis campbell
otis campbell commented
All the young people need to talk to ww two vets u would change your thinking
Matt Radiance
Matt Radiance commented
Making a change is good of course we have problems and we as a nation must stand together and make it happen. to the greater good of our country. but not by ignoring such anthem. you're right about mandatory. but if we want to make a change it must be United. this movement is disrespect to many principles of our country. no change will be occur if integrity is vanished.
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
American Freedom means to express yourself without infringing on another's liberties in the process. This needs to be taken into consideration . . . the act of giving one's life for this IDEA of freedom, should be held to the same level of respect for the life given . . .
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Sounds like a discipline issue rather than a constitutional issue.

Seems like the ones who kneel have opinions and no solutions.

When good old what-his-name decided to sit, did he really think I really wasn't aware of the injustice issue and thus needed it to be called to my attention?

Sort of simple minded in my opinion.

Late edit, also found in one of my comment below:

This is the legal concept upon which I based my answer.

interest of the state in maintaining an effective and efficient school system
is of paramount importance.

which so interferes or hinders the state in providing the best education
possible for its people, must be eliminated or circumscribed as needed.

  This is
true even when that which is condemned is the exercise of a constitutionally
protected right.

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@Levi F

Keep researching---you still haven't mastered the differences---all you have is the similarities.
Levi F.
Levi F. commented
Okay, sir, yes, sir.
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
@ THomas -I think he has it fine Thomas . . you seem to be back-peddling to save face . . it's really no big deal, you are from a different generation.

@Levi - You have it correct. Discipline is powerless without the follow through of punishment, they literally MUST go hand in hand to be effective. It is like the mother whom has no control of her kids and then starts counting . . . "1, 2, 3, . . . You kids don't want me to get to 10." well if 10 has been reached with no follow through of punishment, I guarantee mom will hit 10 every time without her concept of "Discipline" being effective at all.
Jaguar Cat Profile
Jaguar Cat answered

I'm not to fond of pledging my allegiance to a flag, (I'd rather pledge my allegiance to God), but I think you should at least stand and be respectful during the pledge!

hey cameron Profile
hey cameron answered

You know Jehovah's witnesses consider the flag salute to be idolatry and there was a Supreme Court case that decided students can't be punished if they don't recite the pledge. I don't think it's idolatry, obviously, but I agree that students can't be forced. I don't think saying the pledge is a big deal, but I can understand why some people don't like the idea of kids being made to swear loyalty every day.

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otis campbell
otis campbell commented
Their is a thing called respect. Respect for wwtwo vets respect for vietnam vets
I guess u have no respect for these vets nor yourself

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