
about forest related smuggling?


2 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

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Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
I finished The Crystal Cave. Now I have to hunt up The Hollow Hills. I can't remember where I put it.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
I can just about remember the whole of it. The first two were great. I didn't enjoy the third as much (The Last Enchantment) though it was true to the legend.
Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
Oh now I'm wondering if I read the 3rd book. Gosh, I'll have to do more hunting around.
Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered
Chaos theory has taught us that when a butterfly flaps its wings along the Amazon it can cause a hurricane in China. Logically that seems improbable but you can't argue with chaos. Ask any mother trying to clean up after a family of small kids.  Less well known is that the Chinese hurricanes have decimated the forests there and China is desperately short of the benefits of having their own rain forests.

That would be a major problem for less inventive people than the Chinese but their history is a who's-who of great warriors like Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, and Sun Tzu whose legacy, The Art of War, is still studied today. Chinese scholars like Confucius and Lao Tzu added to the world's wisdom. China is the land that gave us gunpowder printing, the magnetic compass, and noodles. Isn't it reasonable to think that they might find a way to solve this inconvenient problem?

And solve it they did.

Drawing on their greatest resource -- population! -- the secretly flew five million Chinese nationals into Brazil in one million hot air balloons. Disguised as members of the Chinese Olympic Swimming Team nobody suspected their purpose. Under cover of night they loaded an entire rain forest onto their balloons, flew them cross-country over Peru and Ecuador, then home to China where the trees were planted along the Yellow River.

So the world's first forest smuggling operation was completed only this year under the very nose of the Brazilians.

Footnote: A lot of Amazonian butterflies were caught up in the smuggling operation. If they start flapping their wings along the Yellow River it's anybody's guess where the next hurricanes are likely to be.

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KB Baldwin
KB Baldwin commented
Wow! I did not know about any of that.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Well, it was a secret operation, KB. One of a kind. (I heard they're going after the Golden Gate Bridge, next.)

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