Does anyone else chafe on the rampant bad grammar and declarative statements posing as questions that have become commonplace on this site?


3 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Don, have you heard? The high schools are taking out analog clocks cuz their students can't read clocks that are not digitized! So instead of teaching the students... They are doing away with the clocks and bringing in digital ones. It's a sad sad time to be a student now a days. 😔 And those students get older leaving us with a bunch of spamburgers! Grrrrr

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Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Hi Yin,
First my sympathies on your daughter’s misfortune. Hope she isn’t discouraged to give it another go.
I can’t say that there is any kind of conspiracy to “dumb down” our kids’ educational curriculums. Times are changing, our base of knowledge has progressed and some of the teachings we absorbed are no longer relevant, or have become obsolete.
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
That said, I think we could show forces from the political realm influence some portion of what is included into school curriculums.

Final thought: Maybe you remember the “New Math” that appeared about 30 or so years ago. It was math, simply taught in a new way. Personally I found it laughable, but then I have always found math easy, learned the “old” way. But it worked for many who didn’t catch on as easily as I did.
While I don’t agree with the importance of everything being taught nowadays, I think we might follow that analogy
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Don, thank you kindly for your compassion for my daughter's miscarriage. I don't believe it will stop her from future tries.
You make a good point about things becoming obsolete in changing times. I mean I certainly wouldn't have to teach my kids how to record over a tape now or even rewind one! 😅 Remember the video rental store days of "be kind rewind"? Lol! I hear homework is now on tablets kids take home every night. There is no longer paper homework. I can see the good in that cuz teachers are so swamped as it is and with tablet homework it's much quicker to grade. Times really are changing.
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Yes, absolutely.

An amusing(?) parallel---I had severe allergies all my life.  About 30 years ago I underwent immunotherapy (shots) over a 5 year period.  I have essentially no allergies anymore.

Coincidentally I have been on these sites for about 5 years now.  The grammar and statements I see no longer bother me as much as they did, but I still find them philosophically abhorrent to me.

And I would never seek "immunotherapy" to prevent that.

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Great analogy my friend!!!! Makes since to me!
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
I think these “errors” reveal a great deal about the writers, and the importance they apply to their messages. It certainly affects the importance I apply to responding to them.

To me, in most cases here, it’s a blend of indifference and ignorance, not caring enough to learn proper language skills, yet intent on “hawking their wares” regardless. This is what chafes me and I feel is a sad symptom of things to come.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@ Don

I remember two college grads who were all excited to be flying from Texas to NY to pitch some idea they had to some backers.
This was about 40 years ago.

They gave me a brochure to read that they were all excited about.

I read it the next day. The brochure had spelling errors---nothing that could be written off as a typo.

I was appalled.

Certainly, if you haven't learned the proper protocols for communication; why would you think I would trust your ideas for some project you want me to engage with you on?

And it bothers me as well that "not quite, but almost, good enough" has become the low standard which so many seem to think adequate.
Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

It makes me shutter!

Recently I went to doctor for my yearly check up. The dr asked me several questions, gave a string of words and different times she would ask me to repeat those words. Finally she handed me a blank piece of paper and a pencil. I looked at her and asked what do you want me to do ? She told me to draw a clock and make it 4:30. I just looked at her and said seriously? Yes she replied. I did it and asked her what they were going to do with the generation now when they get my age? She just shook her head and said I don’t know and thank goodness I won’t be here.

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Toni Pauze
Toni Pauze commented
My regular dr. She said Medicare has certain mandates they have to follow now with older people. I know Medicare send me a letter and ask if my dr did certain things. Kinda weird.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Tiger... similar was asked on my mom with Kaiser insurance. They said they were checking her for dementia...? You most definitely dont sound like a dementia patient. That really is weird!
Toni Pauze
Toni Pauze commented
Has something to do with Medicare. Thank you some days I feel like one.

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