
How Many Degrees Is A Hexagon?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
720 degrees is right because
a square has 360 degrees,a pentagon has the pattern is adding 180 each sides..
So a hexagon(with 6 sides)equals 720 degrees..
I wish that helped^^
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A hexagon equals 720 degrees.Because if you do (N-2)x180=720 in this problem.I know this doesnt look right but if you think about it youll get it.Ok there is a N in the problem I know your wondering what this means well ill tell you a little secret my 5th grade teacher told my class a little secret the number of sides on a shape you will subtract that number by 2 then you will x that by 180 then youll get your answer.
Makimi Haruko Profile
Makimi Haruko answered
There are 720 degrees in a hexagon.

180 (angle sum of a triangle) x 6 (number of triangles that fit in a hexagon) = 720.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How come a hexagon equals 720 degrees?  When you say 6 triangle fit  times 180 degrees.

6 x 180 = 1080 degrees???? Help me understand
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think the bottom angles are both 90 then the top angles are both 45 because there half a triangle so 90+90+45+45= 270 degrees?
I'm confused to be honest.

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