
How Can I Test My French?


1 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
You can test your proficiency in the French language by enrolling in a French-language course and taking an examination in the language or by taking the test online by logging on to the Internet and following the instructions which are given on a website called

French is a language which is spoken by more than 170 million people in the world, and it is not only spoken by the people who live in France, but also in the province of Quebec in Canada, in Switzerland, in some countries of Africa which were previously under the colonial rule of the French, in the Indian union territory of Pondicherry, etc. Therefore, as one of the most widely-spoken languages of the world, people can learn the French language anywhere in the world and at any point of time. Testing your French language proficiency has become easier since the advent of the Internet and foreign language courses.

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