
How To Calculate Percentage?


15 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

How to calculate percentage?

This information is valuable for those trying to calculate the percentage of marks, discounts, or just trying to complete some homework...

Here's everything you need to know about calculating percentages.

The equation can be written as follows:

(Given amount
Divided by Total amount) x100 = %

Or you can calculate it by multiplying the number you have, by the percentage you are after so:

If you want to know 29% of 352, you would do 352 x 0.29 = 102.08

The simplest way to calculate percentage is to divide the given amount by the total amount and then multiply the answer by 100 to find the percentage.

Why is percent calculated in this way?

The term 'percent' means 'one hundredth', so to find 1% of a figure, you simply divide it by 100.

For example, if John scores 60 out of 75 in mathematics, we can find the percentage of his marks by dividing 60 by 75, which is 0.8 and then multiplying this figure by 100. This gives us the percentage of his marks in math, which is 80%.

(60/75) x 100 = 80%

Percentage questions are often worded in various ways in exams, such as:

  • "Anne wants to buy 80% of the supermarket's 75 apples - how many apples will she buy?".  Put into an equation, this is basically "How much is x% of y?" (80% of 75). We can find the answer by multiplying 75 by 80, and then dividing the amount by 100 to find the answer, which is 60 apples.

  • To calculate percentage increase or decrease between two numbers, just subtract the smaller number from the greater, and then divide the answer by the original one. Then multiply it by 100 to determine the percentage increase or decrease.

  • To calculate the percentage increase from 20 to 30, we subtract 20 from 30, and then divide the number obtained (which is 10) by the original number (which is 20). Then we multiply the obtained number - which is 0.5 -  by 100 to get the percentage increase, which is 50%.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Percentages are compared to 100% because all of something is 100% of it. Essentially, percentages are a fraction of 100.

To calculate what a percent of something is (say 56% of 80) you just think of the words "percent of" as "Multiply."

So 56 X 80 = 4,480

Following this, you put the decimal point two places (for the two zeros in 100) to the left. So 4480, becomes 44.80.

So, 56% of 80 = 44.8

If you don't understand why the zero was dropped, it is because zeros past the numbers to the right of a decimal point are treated the same as zeros to the left of the numbers on the left of the decimal point.

For example: 007. This is just 7 - you don't need the zeros in front of it to tell you this is 7, because its place in the ones column tells you it's 7, but if the number was .007, then you would need them.

The zeros are there to let you know that this 7 is in the one-thousandth place and the number is actually the fraction 7/1000; but if the number is .700 we know the fraction is 7/10 whether or not we have zeros to the right of it, so the zeros to the right of it are unnecessary and just writing .7 is fine.
Dipa Suresh Profile
Dipa Suresh answered
Percentage refers to a number in terms of 'hundred'. In other words, percentage means 'parts per hundred'. It is calculated by using three steps:

  1. Note the value of the number given, for which you have to calculate the percentage. Say, it is 500.
  2. Note the value of the percentage to be calculated, say, 50 percentage of 500. Percentage is normally indicated by this sign: %
  3. Now, the final step: To calculate 50% of 500, divide 50 by 100, and multiply this by 500. The formula used is:
= 50∕100 × 500
= 50 × 5
= 250

Therefore, 50% of 500 is equal to 250.
This is a simple method to calculate percentage.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

To find a percent, you divide the number of a portion of something by the total number possible.

For example, if you had 5 questions correct out of 6, you would divide 5 by 6, (5 / 6) to get the percent correct. 5 / 6 = .83333333

Then, once you multiply by 100, which a percent is based on, you would move the decimal two places to the right on your above answer, and you would have 83.33%.

Another Example: 3/4 = .75, or 75%

Percentage is defined as what you get in how much according to 100. If a person finds 1000 tickets and he wants to sell 5% of them he has to multiply 1000 by 5 then divide the answer by 100. Therefore he has to sell 50 tickets.
Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
The percentage increase is the increase as a fraction of the base, converted to a percentage.

% increase = (new amount - base amount)/(base amount) * 100%
 = (18222 - 7631)/7631 * 100%
 = 10591/7631*100%
 = 1.38789 * 100%
 = 138.8%

Wesley Profile
Wesley answered
That is not too hard. Let's say you want to know what 5% of 20 is.

The 20 would be your 100%. So you divide 20 by 100 to give you 1% ( 0.2 ), then you multiply by 5 to give you the 5%.( 1 ).

So your 5% of 20 is 1.
amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Percentage increase happens when the current value is greater than the previous value.
Percentage in any value can be calculated through the given formula.
Percentage change = (Current value - Previous value)/Previous value
If the percentage change is positive, then it means that current value is greater than the previous value and, if negative, then previous value is greater than current value.
Jordan Mark Profile
Jordan Mark answered

The simplest way to calculate percentage is to divide the given amount by the total amount and then multiplying the answer by 100 to get the percentage of the given amount with respect to the total amount.
CGPA Calculator:
The equation can be put up as follows:
(Given amount/ Total amount) x100

For example if John scores 60 out of 75 in mathematics we can find the percentage of his marks by dividing 60 by 75 which comes to be 0.8 and then multiplying it by 100 which gives us the percentage of his marks in math which is 80%.
(60/75) x 100 = 80%"

Ellie Hoe Profile
Ellie Hoe answered
Let's say the two numbers are x and y .Where y>x let I is the percentage increase, then the formula is I = y/x-1

Let x = 4 and y = 7 then I = 7/4 -1 = 0.75 = 75%
Ankit Srivastava Profile
You can use this formula to know the % change in profit or loss
((sales of current year )/(sales of last year) - 1)*100.

By using this formula if you get the answer positive that means you earned profit and if the answer comes in negative that means you have suffered loss.
Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Percentage change is calculated from
change = (new - old)/old*100%

From 100 to 90
change = (90 - 100)/(100)*100% = -10/100*100% = -10%

From 90 to 60
change = (60 - 90)/(90)*100% = -30/90*100% = (-100/3)% = -33 1/3%
magesh raju Profile
magesh raju answered
Regarding stitches' answer on 3 Jan 2007, the way to calculate the percentage is:

P = t/n

P is percentage
T is total value
N is no of percentage.

So we change the position to find rate..

Total value is 381,no of percentage is 5

so use the formula..

P= T/N


First we take the value 70 & we have to calculate its 5%.cSo we multiply it by 5 & after that we divide it by 100. Hence the value final will be 70*5/100=0.35
ramesh poosapati Profile
Percentage is nothing but the efficiency calculation in a given event

Simple formula for percentage is:
percentage=(number of times given work has done divided by total number of times the work has done) multiplied with cent.

Percentage=(number of times work done/total number of times work done)*100

Simply remember as percentage=(part of value/total value)*100

Percentage refers to if there is 100 parts, the efficiency of work is in how many parts.

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