What Is The Difference Between Common Noun And Concrete Noun?


3 Answers

Arjun Mitra Profile
Arjun Mitra answered
This is a very simple question. The difference between two nouns is very simple. A common noun is a noun that denotes all the members of a class. But a concrete noun is also the same but for one difference. It is something you can feel for real. For example, ice cream is a common noun and a concrete noun. It is a concrete noun because you can taste it and feel it by yourself. Where as bottle which is also a common noun is not a concrete noun because you cannot feel it by your five senses.

A concrete noun is a noun that you cal feel with your five senses. This is the basic difference between a common noun and a concrete noun.

For more information you could search your school grammar book and you can even look for information on the Internet.
Muhammad Ali Profile
Muhammad Ali answered
You've asked a question related to English grammar you want to know the difference between common noun and concrete or proper noun. And we're here to serve you. So here is the answer of your question.

Common noun is a name that can be given to the any person, place or thing. And this noun is not specific. The examples of this noun are also common. For example, following words are the common noun because you are not certain about it like a person, city,book,etc. these are the examples of common noun. From the common noun you can not judge that who was the person, or what was the city which has been discussed.

Now the concrete noun means a noun which describes the unique names of the things for example, London, The Bible, these are the examples of proper noun. Therefore you can easily differentiate between common noun and proper noun. A concrete or proper noun points towards the unique sense of some individual or thing which usually can not be modified. I think it is clear now. Now I've given you the proper knowledge to understand the difference between common noun and concrete or proper noun. I hope you've understood.

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