
What Is 3/2 In Decimal Form?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
3/2  is an improper fraction... The decimal is 1.5 (using calculator) .... There is also another way to find this without a calculator but it seems a little harder

-3/2 means 3 over 2
- 3 divided into 2
- 3 divided into 2 = half of 3 =
- how many times can 2 go into the number 3?
- once (1 x 2 = 2)... Remainder 1..  To  make 3
- remainder 1 over 2= 1/2
- which in decimal form is 0.5
- and we have the 1 from before
therefore, answer is ... 1.5

:) .. I hope this helps you out
also this is a really nice website

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