When you're work with the fractions in division, you must invert and multiply.
Think about it, 1/4 divided by 4. Think about a piece of your mothers pecan pie. There is 1/4 of the pie left which you must equally share with three other family members.
1/4 divided by 4 is computed by inverting (flip over) the 4 and multiply. It looks like this 1/4 X 1/4 = 1/16. So when you cut the pie with1/4 still left, each person will receive a 1/16 of the pie. Add em up 4 1/16's of the pie is the same as 1/4. Hope that helps.
Think about it, 1/4 divided by 4. Think about a piece of your mothers pecan pie. There is 1/4 of the pie left which you must equally share with three other family members.
1/4 divided by 4 is computed by inverting (flip over) the 4 and multiply. It looks like this 1/4 X 1/4 = 1/16. So when you cut the pie with1/4 still left, each person will receive a 1/16 of the pie. Add em up 4 1/16's of the pie is the same as 1/4. Hope that helps.