The LCM of two numbers is their product divided by the GCD (or GCF).
Factoring each gives:
75 = 3*5*5 = 3* 5^2
100 = 2*2*5*5 = 2^2*5^2
The GCD is 5*5, or 25. The product of 75 and 100 (75 x 100) = 7500.
Taking 7500/25, we get 300 as the LCM.
Factoring each gives:
75 = 3*5*5 = 3* 5^2
100 = 2*2*5*5 = 2^2*5^2
The GCD is 5*5, or 25. The product of 75 and 100 (75 x 100) = 7500.
Taking 7500/25, we get 300 as the LCM.