The character of Tintin was created by Georges Remi, (1907-1983), who wrote under the pen name of Herge. A French-speaking Belgian, Herge chose this pen name because it is actually the French pronunciation of the reverse of his initials, "R.G.".
Remi was from Brussels, from a moderately well-to-do background, and from a fairly young age he was doing doodles and sketches in his exercise books. Herge became a boy scout, and his first drawings were published in his school's scout magazine, It is from this time that he started to use the nickname Herge.
Upon leaving school he started to do illustration work, and later, influenced by American comic books, he decided that he would create his own comic strip. Thus the famous character Tintin was born. Herge remained influenced by the scouting movement, and his stories mainly depict the boy Tintin embarking on travel and adventure.
Remi was from Brussels, from a moderately well-to-do background, and from a fairly young age he was doing doodles and sketches in his exercise books. Herge became a boy scout, and his first drawings were published in his school's scout magazine, It is from this time that he started to use the nickname Herge.
Upon leaving school he started to do illustration work, and later, influenced by American comic books, he decided that he would create his own comic strip. Thus the famous character Tintin was born. Herge remained influenced by the scouting movement, and his stories mainly depict the boy Tintin embarking on travel and adventure.