What Is The Ramsey Test For Mechanical Aptitude Areas And Is There A Study Manual Or Related Manual For Info About This Type Of Test?


2 Answers

Ray Hueston Profile
Ray Hueston answered
Aptitude tests are designed to assess whether a person has the necessary skills to pursue a particular career, and the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test (MAT) is no different. It is not a test that has been designed to try and trip you up, or to see what skills and knowledge you already have in your chosen subject. That would not be fair if you haven’t started to study it yet. Instead, the objective of MAT is to see if you have the potential to undertake an apprenticeship or a trainee program for jobs such as an industrial machinery mechanic, a maintenance mechanic, a millwright, machine operator or tool setter.

There is a study manual available, priced $24.95, and you will be able to find it online on sites that give information about the Ramsay MAT.

When you undergo the Ramsay MAT, the categories that you will be tested on will include household objects; production and maintenance in the workplace; science, with the emphasis on physics; and hand and power tools.

The Ramsay Corporation developed the MAT in order to improve some of the aspects of earlier tests. As a result the Ramsay MAT is a shorter and more user friendly test; it has no reference to city versus rural, no gender based content; and it is appropriate to the modern day and age of the 21st century.

If you are waiting to take your test, remember that revising hard (just like for any other exam you have taken before!) will ensure that you have the necessary skills to be successful.
Amanda Wells Profile
Amanda Wells answered
You can get a full explanation of the test and how it works here. You can also buy various versions of the test for about $20 each. There is a catalog tab that you can browse first, and there you should find information manuals as well as actual tests/

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