
Write What You Know About Facts With Square Products?


3 Answers

Rebekah Coulson Profile
Rebekah Coulson answered
A square product (otherwise known as a square number or a perfect square) is a number that is created by multiplying two of the same numbers together. Square numbers are also referred to as being non-negative numbers because they are greater than or equal to zero.

So for example, 25 is a square number. This is because by multiplying 5 with 5 you will receive 25. This also works in the reverse order with you were to find the square root of the number 25. The square root of the number 25 is 5 (which would be displayed mathematically as √25 = 5.

The method of square numbers was very first established a very long time ago by the Pythagoreans. After this discovery, the method appeared in a book written by Leonardo Fibonacci back in 1225 entitled "Liber quadratorum” which translates to "Book of Squares”

With square numbers, it is suggested that their geometrical or visual representation in a grid or a pattern would display a perfect square shape with perfect symmetry. It was later concluded that the any number representing a perfect square would always end in zero, one, four, five, six, nine or 25.

Another thing about square numbers is that they cannot be what are known as ‘perfect numbers’. A perfect number is a number that is the sum of proper divisors. So for example, the first perfect number is six and this is because it is a product of proper positive divisors (1 + 2 + 3) .

A number that is positive and does not have any perfect square divisors other than the number one is called a ‘square-free’ number.
Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Each has an integer square root. Each has an odd number of factors. The difference of two consecutive ones is an odd number.

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