What Are The Ar Test Answers To The Things They Carried?


2 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
AR stands for Accelerated Reader. The AR program is a computer-based monitoring system which aims to record students' literary progress and to determine if students are reading as widely and as thoroughly as necessary for their development. The program works by testing students through quizzes, designed to test their knowledge on fiction and non-fiction literature. Teachers can monitor the results of the AR tests in order to determine whether or not a student is progressing as they should be. Therefore, if you are a student looking for the answers to an AR test, this is considered as cheating and if discovered, you may be disciplined and/or punished for your behavior. Not only is cheating morally wrong and something you will be punished for if caught, it may also cause stunted development in your reading skills when compared with your friends and colleagues. If you have any problems or difficulties with reading, but use cheats to gain high scores, your actual needs will not be picked up on and you may miss out on extra help, from which you would benefit. In addition, it is also quite difficult to find reliable answers to the tests online!

In order to try to answer your question and provide you with answers to the test for The Things They Carried, I searched and searched all over the internet to try and find a reliable, trustworthy source from which you could view the answers. However, it appears there are none! There are answers online for other AR tests, on literature such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Twilight, but I could not find any answers for the AR test of The Things They Carried. This may be because your teacher or school has designed the test specifically for this novel - it is possible for teachers to compile their own questionnaires using the AR software, if the book or text they want to test is not listed on the AR program already.

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