A decimeter is a unit of measurement. It is denoted by the symbol 'dm'. Decimeter is used to measure length. Deci is related to ten. Thus, decimeter is equal to ten centimeters. A hundred centimeters makes one meter. Thus, a centimeter is a one hundred part of a meter. So, a decimeter (10 centimeters) is one-tenth part of a meter.
According to international standards of measurement, one decimeter is equal to hundred millimeters. One centimeter equals ten millimeters. Hence, ten centimeters will be equal to hundred millimeters which is a decimeter. International system of units also states a decimeter to be equal to 100×10−6 km. One thousand meters constitute a kilometer. Thus, meter is a thousandth part of a kilometer. Hence, a decimeter will be 0.0001 part of a kilometer. One decimeter is also accepted as 1×109 Armstrong.
According to international standards of measurement, one decimeter is equal to hundred millimeters. One centimeter equals ten millimeters. Hence, ten centimeters will be equal to hundred millimeters which is a decimeter. International system of units also states a decimeter to be equal to 100×10−6 km. One thousand meters constitute a kilometer. Thus, meter is a thousandth part of a kilometer. Hence, a decimeter will be 0.0001 part of a kilometer. One decimeter is also accepted as 1×109 Armstrong.