Simple proof that (A+B)^(T) = A^T + B^T?


1 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Without numerical values for these letters, it is impossible to provide the mathematical proof that you need. Each part of this equation should be solved by side - in other words, one part of the equation should be solved, on the left, and this amount should exactly equal what is on the right. The only way to prove this theorem in an absolute way is to insert numbers and work through the equation carefully. If you do this, you'll easily be able to see if both sides of the equation match. Knowing mathematical symbols and practices will be necessary to solve this type of equation, as it's not just a typical addition or multiplication problem.

  • Learning more

If you need to proof this equation for your homework or an upcoming math test, be sure to spend some time studying your math textbook - you'll need to be certain that you understand your teacher's rules for proofing equations. Often, the format for proofing is about more than simply getting the right answer and showing the fundamental validity of the equation - sometimes, you will need to show your work in steps as you go along. To do this, look at similar math problems in your textbook, and see how they are solved and proofed. Then, use the same format to complete your own simple proof of this equation.

  • Getting better

To improve your work, see a mathematics tutor or consult with your teacher for advice. Sometimes, a friend or parent who is good at math can be a helpful resource; however, it's often better to see someone with whom you don't have a personal relationship. Sometimes, teaching math can be stressful, and people who try to help (parents or friends) may not have the patience and skill set needed to teach you properly.

Proofing math problems is part of doing math according to the rules, so learning this skill is vital.

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