Diploma - I'd need some more information to be specific Mandy Robinson. So will give you an outline: Subject: Choose something that sparks you - get you going, and you are enthiastic about - relative to your course studies. Write 250 words, as an abstract - to get the idea of where you're going, and list the areas or points you will be discussing - that's make headings, not too many or you'll never complete your project, to gain your diploma. So say you have four headings, then clarify areas, say four under each heading -[bullet points] you will expland on.... Some people have an idea of what their Conclusion will be, others just write, keep within the limits of the number of words you might be set, they discover on the way, and end up with a quite different summary to what they thought might be the outcome. ABOVE ALL Mandy, Enjoy it. GOOD LUCK.
Diploma - I'd need some more information to be specific Mandy Robinson. So will give you an outline: Subject: Choose something that sparks you - gets you going, and you are enthiastic about - relative to your course studies. Write 250 words, as an abstract [or the number set for you] - to get the idea of where you're going, and where you might want to end. List the areas or points you will be discussing - that's make headings, not too many or you'll never complete your project, to gain your diploma. So say you have four headings, then clarify areas, that's make bullet points you want expland on.... Some people have an idea of what their Conclusion will be, others just write, and summarise. Keep within the limits of the number of words you might be set, and you will discover on the way, and possibly end up with a quite different summary to what you thought might be the outcome. Also ask for I'm not sure what's the level of your Diploma, for example, for example, introuctory - to next stage University - Educational establishments have guidelones too. So maybe this is useul, and go ask for some help - from your tutor, to point you in the right direction. GOOD LUCK! (Hey too chill out with friends, we use to discuss things together too. That can help as well. Maybe your parents too).