
What Do You Mean By Mixed Cultivation?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In mixed cultivation, two or more different types of crops are sown in a particular field at the same time. Mixed cultivation means that one plant supports the other. Some plants positively or negatively influence each other. The crops chosen are such that the nutrient needs of one crop are fulfilled by the other. For example, a leguminous plant (a plant having seeds in long pods) such as pea can be grown in the same field, along with a cereal such as wheat.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It just means growing 2 or more crops mixed together in such a way that both the crops will be benifited
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
wats up people!
I know the answer for the question, that is
Mixed cultivation – it all depends on the mix!
Mixed cultivation places different plants in one bed side by side and presents many advantages if the right neighbours are set together.

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