
How Many Syllables Is In The Word Watched?


2 Answers

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Anonymous answered
Syllable: Syllable is the basic unit of pronunciation, the pronunciation of any word, are broken down into one-syllable reading. Especially loud in English vowels, a vowel phonemes to form a syllable, a vowel phoneme and one or more consonant sounds can also be combined to form a syllable. In general, vowel phonemes can constitute a syllable, consonant phonemes are not loud, can not constitute a syllable. But the English Consonants There are four consonants [m], [n], [ng], [l] is a sonorant, combine them and consonant phonemes, but also constitutes a syllable. They constitute a syllable tend to appear in the ending, the general non-stressed syllable. English words have a syllable, two syllables, the number of syllables, one syllable is called single-syllable, two syllables is called double-syllable, three syllables or more is called multi-syllable.
Therefore, this word has three syllables.

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