
What Did Percy Bysshe Shelley Write?


1 Answers

Shelagh Young Profile
Shelagh Young answered
Percy Bysshe Shelley was born in 1792. By 1811 he had been expelled from University College Oxford fro collaborating on a pamphlet advocating atheism. His first poem of note "Queen Mab" was published in 1813. It carried a message that chimed with further pamphlets written on vegetarianism and political freedom. It was followed by "Alastor" in 1815 and "The Revolt of Islam". His satirical writing includes "The Cenci" focusing on William Wordsworth. IN 1819 he wrote "Peter Bell the Third" and his well known work "Prometheus Unbound". Other works included "ode to the West Wind", "The Skylark", "The Sensitive Plant" and "The Witch of Atlas". "ADonais" in response to the death of John Keats and "Epipsychidion" followed. His work included drama ("Hellas") and prose "Defence of Poetry". His death by drowning at the regrettably young age of just 30 in 1822 is thought to have denied us the opportunity to experience the maturing of a brilliant writer.

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