Is it okay for a 8th grade girl to date a 7th grade guy?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes as long as you guys like each other than it's fine and your friends should accept you if you date him.
Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered


jessica black Profile
jessica black answered
Ummm it's jus elementary school .Go for it!
Joe B. Profile
Joe B. answered
Yea who cares... Worst thing that might happen is when one is 18 and the other is 17, but just keep it quiet for a while, and then you'd be golden
Te mar Profile
Te mar answered
Yeah why not? Age doesn't matter: It's all about how YOU and HIM feel. :) But like Joe said, watch out about the whole 18 and 17 thing. If you go on that long. It'd be great if you did!
Lucy Taylor Profile
Lucy Taylor answered
If you like him why not.  I personally feel like when someone does that it makes them appear desperate, but who am I to judge? If you think it will make you happy then yes.

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