Sometimes its hard to study as there are many distractions. Try to study in a clean , unmessy environment , as it does help your mind to focus.
Keep electronic devices away and don't study for hours straight as it usually fails. As you get restless and don't concentrate take breaks between , and try to have a full stomach.
Eat preferably healthy foods as it as junk food actually impacts you , not in a good way usually , too much energy that's what I'd say.
Well, these are my studying tips , sometimes you don't get a question and you are frustrated and you are too scared to ask the teacher , firstly basics first : if you don't get the basics , then it would be more challenging to understand. And you will be even more so confused , eg. math
Math may seem hard and complicated but there is always a formula , and there is always a right answer , maybe its English , English is different , usually there's no right or wrong answer , you can interpret a text this way , while someone else might look at it another way , always look through it and understand the question before going straight to answering ! Good luck.