
What Are Contributions Of The Aztec?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The aztecs designed a series of roads for transport. They also invented a solar calendar, very similar to the one that we have nowadays. The aztecs did the base for the astronomic studies, and their architecture (referring to their pyramids) was very sophisticated.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The aztecs were the first to cultivate tomatillos, which is a green tomato. We also use several of their ideas today in medicine and healing people. They came up with cures for all sorts of things, like splints for broken bones, medicines, and ways to heal wounds.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They played a game called Tlachtli which was similar to basketball, volleyball, and football mixed. Players had to hit a very heavy ball into a hoop made of stone that was 30 feet in the air. They were not allowed to use their hands. They had to use their head, hips, elbows, etc.
...ouch!... :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The words chocolate and tomato are from the aztec language I don't remember what it is called but it starts with an N and ends with an L

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