Obsessed people!
I cannot understand why women cry without any reason, and so quickly?
Apologies in advance to anyone that I offend with this answer, but the one thing I always have difficulty understanding is how anyone believes that organised religion, and specifically some of the claims that the Christian church make can possibly be credible.
Here's an example:
Recently, historians discover a papyrus dated back to early Christian times of early Christians debating the role of women. In it, they reference their "knowledge" that Jesus had a wife.
And yet, somehow, that notion is completely preposterous to the modern Church.
Considering Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus, getting the fact that Jesus wasn't married incorrect makes you question how much of modern Christian belief can we trust...
And, in the bigger picture, considering wars from The Crusades through to modern day terrorism are fuelled by the notion of holy or religious warfare, is it not possible that the causes people are living by and dying for are incorrect or at least partially fabricated?
Obviously, people are free to believe what they want to believe... But blind faith can be a very dangerous thing, and people can end up easily manipulated into doing terrible things once they can be convinced it is their religious duty.
I can't understand how everything started. How did the world come? How did everything get its name? Languages? Religions?? How, how, how?!
"Is there life after death?" I can't get an answer for this question!