Should SAT Testing Be Banned And Not Required?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As a teacher I think they should be banned because they put pupils under to much pressure and if you do not do well you feel bad as we had a child break down into tears because sats
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that they should be banned because it always makes me stressed so I have to try harder to make sure I get good results. In a way, it does have its benefits.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes SATs should be banned they are a waste of time and energy as I say myself as a year 6 child
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I'm a y6 child, but u dont see me complaining- sats tell us what were weak at and strong at so we can be stronger with our weak point
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No as some other form of testing would take it's place.  Testing should not be the only decision of entrance into College just one of the mechanisms.  Some people just don't test well and therefore to ban SAT testing would somewhat be comparable to ban a driving test.    Look at the SAT as a right of passage just like the driver's test was.   In the end,  the SAT will be the last thing you think about 10 years from now.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that they should because that test only makes you feel that you're not smart when we all know that we are. We should be able to to still excell in this world without an SAT to tell us how smart we are.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
YES SATs should be banned because it puts us under to much pressure and we might not get into the school we want to get into.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No it shouldnt be banned beause the exams tell us our weakest points and wich areas we need to focus o before we go to secondary school!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Yes, as it is a wealth test and prevents many bright students from succeeding (when they can show their true capabilities in another form.  It causes great gender and racial bias.  The test doesn't measure the true capabilities of those children, too. It already adds to the tons of pressure that students face during high school.

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