That's an interesting question. If you ask me, talking with a partner, using sentence starters and scanning a newspaper are all good ways to help expand your mind and learn more about people and the world.
It will help you will know them better as a person and will learn things you may not have known before. This will help you become closer - although of course, there is also the danger you may realize you are not right for each other. But I'm sure you partner will appreciative the effort you are making in getting to know them more fully.
Another good way to get to know people better is to use sentence starters (see picture above). They can also help you to express yourself and make your views and feelings known, and to help you ask questions, and clarify your ideas and query those of others. If we did not use sentence starters, communication would be difficult and misunderstandings more frequent.
Scanning a newspaper is a quick way to get a grasp on the issues affecting the area in which you live, and the people you know, especially if it is a local newspaper. Even it if isn't, and is a national newspaper, it is always good to broaden your horizons and be aware of the problems people have in other parts of the world.
Knowledge of a broader range of subjects will make you a more interesting person, and being able to see the other guy's point of view, no matter where they are from, is an important part of being a well-rounded personality, through engaging with the world around you.
Here's a YouTube clip showing why it's important to keep informed about the world through newspapers: