All of these answers suck more than I can begin to put into words. They had normal houses, somewhat. They didn't live in broke down huts. They did not have paved roads. It was all dirt. They did have brick buildings but not houses. Main alchohols were whiskey, scotch , and rum. Food was what could be gathered, hunted, or, easily made. Fruits, vegetables, meats,beans, homemade bread, some pies. For fun, they had cards, marbles, jump rope, and dancing. The law was much more loose. People were more respectful. Church and church hymns were a major role.
Everyone who has answered has not realized what the law was actually like back then, it was less restrictive, which isn't as good as people seem to think. For one thing marital rape was legal, basicly if the man wanted to have sex then sex was had, women had almost no rights, there was slavery and people rarely lived past their 30s early 40s at the most, only the rich lived long comfortable lives, the streets were lined with human waste due to the lack of plumbing, infections and disease ran rampant and most medical doctors and procedures were almost as dangerous as the illnesses and injuries themselves. The clothes were uncomfortable and stuffy and most people DID NOT go to school and the things they learnt were only a fraction of the knowledge that we learn in school today (the information and knowledge boom didn't happen until the internet was created). Child abuse and wife abuse were both legal, people just acted nice and proper in public to keep up appearances, life was hard and painfully short and most people today would only be able to bear it if they were men, and even then it was tough. So no they were not living the good life (unless they were rich).
They lived a great life if you really look at it...They worked for what they needed, They didn't just say oh well "honey, we need to go to the grocery store". No they grew what they needed and hunted and traded for the rest. No they did not have electricity back then. But yes they still had light, It's called the sun, you know that big bright thing stuck in the sky during the day? The law was a lot "looser" back then. Because back then people were still independent. They didn't think that the government or law was needed unless there was a serious problem(rape murder) not oh no my neighbors being loud so instead of going and asking them to turn it down let me call the police... That's the mindframe today. People don't want to get their hands dirty and they don't want to deal with their problems, they want someone else to do it....So all in all less government, less cops, less people, more labor, less BS. What's not to like? If only I had a time machine....
The rich lived a good life because they had nice food and were very healthy because they could afford lots of things they needed and had a lot of money.
And the poor had a horrible life because they had hardly any money and could barley afford food, drink ,clothes and things they needed.
I hope I answered your question.
And the poor had a horrible life because they had hardly any money and could barley afford food, drink ,clothes and things they needed.
I hope I answered your question.
A lot better then know!! It was real ruff but they made it. You couldn't be lazy so your work was done. If you were you would die. They dressed modestly. They ate healthier. They were happy with what they had. Most of them that went to school were smarter then we were. I think it would be better to live back then in the 1800's.
Very poorly and very richly depends .....
It changed a bit because me got the power to vote and this gave the poor a better life getting the government they wanted and better pay in work to get more food and things like that.
Very poorly with no electicty until thomas edison invented the phonograph in 1877 and also the incandescent light in 1879 to introduce the people to LIGHT
The conditions were awful in the 1800s, there used to be eight family’s to every one house! The rooms were cramped and so were the streets. People used to have to crowd around the town because they didn’t have houses. Those who did still had rats and other horrid creatures crawling about! They chucked there waste out of their windows, so the little kids who played out side and had no shoes, caught infections and spread them to the family.
Well they lived very poorly
They lived very poorly. They killed animals for food.they only drank dirty water.unless your rich.