
How are quadrilaterals used in daily life??


1 Answers

David Shabazi Profile
David Shabazi answered

Keep in mind that quadrilaterals are any four-sided figures, such as squares, rectangles, diamonds, or anything else with four sides (they don't need to be aligned perfectly either).

You can see them on our notebooks, paper, wallets, tables, gates, roads, tissues, computer screens, computer towers, tablets, phones, you name it!

Most quadrilaterals used in daily life are the perfectly aligned ones like squares and rectangles, because they make organization and alignment much easier on us when we create new objects. Like for a table, making the surface rectangular shaped (most of the time anyway) was probably the best option because there would be people eating on all sides of it, and if people did that with round circular tables, there'd be a bit of trouble with personal space to eat.

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