When were the good old days?


13 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I think it was the 50's for me. Seems like a whole different time and way of life. Much safer and lot's of fun things to do. Like playing Wiffle ball out in the street and then squirting each other with the hose. Water balloon wars too. Yep, the 50's were the good old days!

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

They are when we are young and free of burden. For me that is the 70s. I rode my bike wherever I wanted to go. Swimming in the lake across the street during the week and heading to the ocean on the weekends. Before any one heard of SPF and skin cancer.

Thankfully I am heading to the next stage if my life where I can play in the water again. And "old" refers to me and not the days. Only this time, I will be wearing sunscreen.

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
It was the 1940s for me. I lived between two rivers and spent much of the school holidays fishing in one or the other. We had an area of bushland near by and spent a lot of time there too. We were outdoors most of the time. Lots of fun.
John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

My "good old days" are yet to be...

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View all 5 Comments
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
Ha HA ! lol
John Doe
John Doe commented
He does sound Irish! I suppose I am! :)
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Pallin was a clever man.

He lost his job during the Great Depression and started making backpacks for hikers in his parents' garage. He built that into an enormous business with branches right across Australia. A truly amazing guy.
Tinkerbell St. Basil Profile

The good old days for me was when I had to be home when the streetlights came on. They were the days before cable TV, internet and cell phones. People actually talked to each other and had to make the effort to see those that they really cared for.

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

The good old days.

Biking around Golden Gate Park and across the Golden Gate bridge every morning. Trying new restaurants every week. Concerts at the Filmore, Regency Ballroom, and Warfield. Endless shopping, community events, and tourist watching.

These days kids and dogs needs a yard and pool.

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Oh yeah. I think you've picked it. One of our Australian poets wrote, "We thought to tear down trees, when we were tall." He was right. All those dreams get lost in the process of growing up. :)
Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

At 62, I have plenty of memories of different times in my past that were wonderful. That said, I've never been one to look back longingly at any specific period in my life at "the good old days."  I guess I've just always lived you the theory that it's difficult to see what's in front of you when you spend that much of your time looking back. 

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
And a great attitude.

Many years ago I was ferrying a group of Under 7 boys to a soccer game and on one occasion the conversation went around to how much more they had to pay for candy than they had last year. They'd discovered inflation at the ripe old age of 6 and 7 and, I think, were already yearning for the good old days. :(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Well, Didge, I suppose they were before the internet; before it was so easy for people to hide behind their computer screen and be mean and insulting to others, and rally others to join them, simply because, say, they didn't like a question that was asked, or the way it was asked, on a sight such as, oh I don't know... Blurtit, for instance, who's very name implies that a question can be blurted out without a lot of thought or agonizing over. 

I think the world would be a better place if we assumed the best of people rather than the worst, and acted on that. And instead of making snarky comments, simply asked questions to understand each other better. HA! Like that'll ever happen! So easy to hide behind the internet, isn't it? Makes crowd mentality and bullying sooo much easier for the truly mean-spirited.

mohammad mahmoudi Profile

Good old days? Why old ? We have good days everyday. We are in good days.  God saw we deserved and he gave us "life"! And life is full of good days. I believe everyday is a gift from God.  If we be happy and celebrate days we are "Thanking "God ..!

God bless you

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
You're perhaps confusing a well-known and oft-used expression with an opportunity for a sermon. Thank you for the blessings, Mohammad, but God and I are not on the best of terms.
otis otiscambell Profile

The good ole days were back In the 60s and 70s gasoline was a quarter pepsi was a dime that was the good ole days

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Reminds me of the time I was taking some 8 year olds to a soccer game and they were talking about the cost of lollies being on the increase. They had already learned the meaning of inflation. It's a sad world, Otis.
K. B.  Baldwin Profile
K. B. Baldwin answered

While I remember many wonderful things from my youth in the 50's and 60's, I remember the bad also.  So I have to say that the only thing that makes the good old days good is a poor memory and a good imagination. 

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