No, I don't think those monuments should be removed. As for the CSA, 90% of the soldiers were told they were fighting for their homes and they didn't even have any slaves. They were brainwashed but fought for what they were told was right at the time. The same with the Indian wars and the Banana wars. Those soldiers died for what they thought was right, just like the Vietnam war. No, leave the monuments.
Should monuments to those who died fighting for the CSA be removed, just because their cause was wrong in hindsight? And if so - should we also remove the monuments to USA soldiers who died fighting for things like the "Indian Wars" or "Banana Wars"?
I think the monuments should remain, but for different reasons than the ones I think Southern conservatives have. We should not be glorifying any past racism, or sexism, or any other bigotry. But we should all be aware that there was a time when people were that hateful toward other members of the human race. These monuments should remain as warnings. No dooming history to repeat itself!