How many of you like to write? What do you write? Any speciality? Are you imaginative? What do you wanna be in life?


9 Answers

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered
I've always loved writing. Have had a lot of stuff published, usually about sport or humour or, more likely a combination of both. It's a wonderful recreation and you can do it anywhere as long as you have a pencil and paper ... Or a good memory.

One of my most recent efforts was an urban fantasy called The Mistress of Dimmiga Berg  which is available as a paperback or eBook from Amazon-KIndle.

It looks like this:

Kioyre S. Profile
Kioyre S. answered

I just love writing, especially short stories ranging from thrillers, crime novels, and horror to fantasy and sci-fi... Thrillers and sci-fi are my specialties! Although I've always been fascinated in quantum mechanics or quantum theory, I might end up pursuing something dealing with forensics. (:

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I like to think that I am imaginative as I have had several good ideas that I tested with my friends and family and they enjoyed them. I've written out a few short stories and I have created a few short animated movies. I think it would be pretty cool to be a writer for a movie studio or a television series. Best of luck to you!

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

I mainly write for work these days... Blog posts, app descriptions, marketing content. It's fun, and I'm lucky to have a job which allows me to be creative, but I do miss having time for more of "my own" writing. I used to love creative writing as a kid, so much so that I studied it at University.

Maybe when I retire or get rich, I'll buy a nice place in the mountains somewhere and spend my days writing.

Tris Fray Potter Profile

I love writing anything, though I write mainly YA fantasy/sci-fi.  I don't show anyone my work, and I never finish them.  I want to be some sort of aerospace engineer or research relativity or astronomy

4 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
It's a shame not to finish and not to share, Tris. You'll find lots of people will enjoy what you write.
Nice Girl
Nice Girl commented
That's good! Tris even I don't show people my work! I fear they wouldn't like it
Dakota  Mackenzie Profile

I absolutely love writing :)

I took a creative writing class this past year, it was super stressful. When I write, I want it to be perfect. It takes me weeks to write one chapter for a series I'm making, even then, I'm not satisfied.

I love to write poems, songs, fanfictions, and even my own stories! Some people say I'm creative (mostly mom lol) >.<||

In life, I'd like to be a psychologist to be totally honest with you. That or, I'd like to sing or be a photographer :)

Claire MotherofPetey Profile

Writing used to be hard for me even though I did well in it in school. But lately I've been loving writing! I email like crazy. And texting has it's own special style. Sometimes I even write a letter and I love to read. Mysteries and thrillers are my favorites, Nice Girl. I like science fiction too.  Good question, Nice Girl!!

2 People thanked the writer.
Nice Girl
Nice Girl commented
They should teach writing in school! Mine didn't! I started to write fiction stories from 4th grade and wrote long one I also wrote poem since that year! I learnt it all myself!
Claire MotherofPetey
I would teach it too, Sin. It's an art form in itself. Isn't it amazing that everyone's handwriting is different?
I can picture my mother's handwriting and all my relatives' handwriting. It's like pictures of them. I remember people from school whose handwriting I'd recognize even if I didn't recognize their faces.
Nice Girl
Nice Girl commented
Yes handwriting are pretty unique! Some kids have handwriting I wonder how teachers read them! One pain for a teacher can be the child's handwriting! Lol
Alice X. R. Profile
Alice X. R. answered

I love to write! I have a hard time completing a lot of my works...but those ones aren't that important to me. I am currently taking a small break from writing my novel, Tainted Red, an I'm TRYING to write a poem... But i hit writers block...i like to write horror, post-apocalyptic, and tragidies. As for my imagination? It scares me sometimes XD. I either want to be a writer or a psychologist when I get older :)

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