No. I despised them then and I despise them today. Weakness is the foundation for a clique.
Ohhhh yes. I was definitely considered a nerd and it was horrible. People really don't have any idea how bad it is when they haven't experienced it. But honestly once you embrace it and stop caring what people think, you can just enjoy spending time with the people you genuinely like without caring what people say, because you're having more fun than them.
No, I wasn't. They all thought they were better than the rest of us.
I think you should hang with whoever you want. Even if you don't click, I mean clique.
Yeah, I was part of the popular clique where ever I went. But I changed it every time I became part of that group. I blurred the lines between the cliques. I made it so everyone was accepted for who they were. I was a friend to everyone and made sure if you wanted to be a part of my clique you had to get along and accept every one. I had many friends in every clique. I stood up for every one. There was no bullying tolerated around me. I used the power I had to do good for every one. Heck, I even got us to do volunteer work.
In my school their was the jocks the kickers who was the cowboys then the freak hippies and the roctcies or rotc people I was in none but I created enough hell
Schools actually have real cliques???
I guess I am part of the fangirl/music/nerd clique, but I get along with everyone and we sit together sometimes and accept everyone for who they are, not for how they look or talk. Of course there's people we don't like, but we always get along and we're nice to them. And it wouldn't be HS without the drama, but everyone always gets over it in the end. My group of friends hate anyone who thinks they're above everybody else, or bullies or gossips (I'm not saying the word I actually thought), but we're never rude to them.