What is the benefits of learning Arabic? I feel like learning it can only make some connections with Muslims and Islam culture.


3 Answers

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

There's no benefit unless:

1. You wanna be a Muslim

2. You wanna live, communicate or visit Arabic countries constantly.

RIK RZ Profile
RIK RZ answered

If you are a muslim then a benefit would be understanding the words written in the Holy Quran

Something that I wish for myself.

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Apart from religious reasons, there's also the fact that it's the 5th most used language in the world - 4.43% of the world's population speak Arabic as their primary language.

If you're interested in doing business with countries where Arabic is the main language, then that could be a good reason.

Linguistically, it's an interesting language to learn, and many of the words we use in English are derived from Arabic.

We also have Arabic and Persian mathematics to thank for the number system we use today, as well as the decimal point.

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