Crystal, all my searches have not yielded any results. Have you contacted them directly to see if they archived the story? That would be my only suggestion at this point. If they reported it, they surely would have archived the story. Good luck. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
I have been trying to find a new story for ages. It was on 7 News Aus. It's about a man in Melb who had a car crash on the 19th of May 2014. His name is Cameron Miller. If anyone knows where to find this story would be great as he is my father?
HI Crystal. The problem with finding accident stories is that names are not released in the initial report. Rarely is there a follow up with the name. By going to the news site's search and putting quotes around the date "May 19, 2014," I was able to find two links regarding several motor accidents. Unfortunately, there are no names.
I hope you find the information about your father. If any of these accidents look like they're the one you need, you may have enough details to look deeper.